

Dietitians are health professionals trained and specialized in nutrition and diet. These professionals help individuals and groups develop healthy eating habits, maintain weight control, or plan appropriate diets to address specific health problems. Here are the general responsibilities and duties of dietitians:

Initial Assessment with Individuals: During their first meeting with individuals, dietitians make a comprehensive assessment of their general health status, lifestyle, eating habits, special needs and goals.

Nutritional Status Assessment: Dietitians determine the nutritional status of individuals by evaluating factors such as body mass index (BMI), weight history, disease history and laboratory results.

Individual or Group Diet Planning: They prepare customized diet plans to suit individuals' needs and goals. These plans are based on basic principles such as energy balance and appropriate intake of macro and micronutrients.

Nutritional Counseling for Chronic Diseases and Health Conditions: Dietitians design special nutrition plans to help individuals manage chronic diseases. They provide nutritional counseling for conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension.

Weight Control and Weight Loss: Dietitians offer nutritional strategies and motivational support to help individuals achieve their weight control goals.

Nutrition Consultancy for Athletes and Active Individuals: Dietitians create appropriate nutrition plans to meet the energy needs of athletes and individuals engaged in physical activity and increase their performance.

Education and Awareness Raising: Dietitians provide training to individuals on issues such as healthy eating habits, ethical label reading, portion control, and participate in awareness-raising activities.

Working in Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities: Dietitians provide specialized diets and nutritional treatments to patients in hospitals, clinics, or other healthcare facilities.

Dietitians guide individuals who want to adopt a healthy lifestyle and improve their eating habits. In this process, they contribute to individuals living a healthy life by creating nutritional information based on scientific data and nutrition plans appropriate to personal needs.

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